Thursday, September 18, 2014

Help Your Children Become Discovery Millionaires

The Cat in the Hat’s pals, Thing 1 and Thing 2, made a guest appearance at Discovery Elementary yesterday to announce the Million Minutes Reading Challenge!

The Discovery PTA is challenging students to work together to read 1 million minutes this school year. If each student reads 10 minutes a day outside of school over the next seven months, it will total more than 1 million minutes.

Students in pre-K through second grade may count minutes that they read orally or that someone else reads to them, while students in third through fifth grade must only county minutes that they read on their own. Reading calendars will be sent home to help the PTA track reading minutes, and each calendar should be signed by a parent and sent back to school at the end of each month. 

Students will be able to keep track of the school’s reading minutes and be reminded about the reading challenge throughout the school year on a bulletin board outside the cafeteria. A mustang will travel along a path as more minutes are accumulated.

There will be incentives along the way.  Every student who reads 300 minutes (or more) in October will receive a coupon for a free kid’s meal and a slice of pie from Marie Callender’s.  And the top reader from the primary grades and the top reader from the intermediate grades will get to select a free book each month.

When Discovery reaches its million milestone in the spring, the Discovery PTA will throw a Million Minutes Reading Celebration to reward students and their families! There will be games, activities, and projects inspired by books.

Parents, we can’t do this Million Minutes Reading Challenge without you. We encourage you to get your children excited about reading and help make them Discovery millionaires!

As Walt Disney said, “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.     

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