We are now full swing into the school year, and the calendar shows it. Discovery PTA as well as the school has some great things planned in the next few weeks. Save those dates now!
1. Discovery Night at The Farmstead will be from
4 to 9 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 9. This is such a fun fall event for Discovery families, and The Farmstead donates back $1 for each Discovery admission that night. This year, two staff members will compete in a pie-eating contest at 7:30 p.m. that night. Students can vote with their pennies from
Tuesday, Sept. 26, to Tuesday, Oct. 3, for the staff member that they most want to see in the pie-eating duel. We will announce the two "eaters" on Monday, Oct. 9, before school is out. This year's competitors are:
- Mrs. Kearns, Kindergarten
- Mrs. Howard, 1st Grade
- Mrs. Maw, 2nd Grade
- Ms. Jayne, 3rd Grade
- Mrs. Jackson, 4th Grade
- Mr. Thie, 5th Grade
- Mr. Kats, School Counselor
- Mr. Johnson, PE/Health
- Mr. Dudley, Principal
Thanks to all of the parents for donating at Back to School Night. Mr. Thie is currently in the lead, followed by Mr. Dudley and Mrs. Kearns. We will update the totals on the blog and on the bulletin board outside of the cafeteria this week.
2. Discovery PTA will help to provide lunch and snacks for the staff during parent teacher conferences on
Tuesday, Oct. 3, and Wednesday, Oct. 4. If you would like to donate food or supplies, please sign up at
http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0b4da5a72aaafe3-parent1. We appreciate all of your support!
3. The regularly scheduled PTA meeting has been moved to
Tuesday, Oct. 10, because of parent teacher conferences. Come out to the meeting on 4:10 p.m. Members will be hearing about and voting on staff grant proposals.
4. Popcorn Friday will be
Friday, Oct. 13. You can still prepay for the school year, if you haven't already, for $3.50, or just send in 50 cents for your student to have an afternoon popcorn snack. The PTA also needs help bagging that morning at 8:30 a.m. in the cafeteria. Come join us for some fun!
5. This week is the first ever National Box Tops for Education Week. To celebrate, clip those Box Tops and send in to your student's classroom. The classroom that brings in the most Box Tops by
Friday, Oct. 20, will win a smoothie party!
6. Walk to School Day this fall will be
Tuesday, Oct. 10. Stay tuned for more details!
7. The annual PTA Reflections art competition is underway. This year's theme is "Within Reach," and students can enter original art in one or more categories, including dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. Entries should be turned into teachers by
Friday, Oct. 27. Entry forms with more details have already come home in backpacks, but please email
discoverypta@gmail.com or visit
www.idahopta.org if you have questions. All of the art will be displayed at our Discovery Donuts event in November (date to come).
We'll have more details on all of these fall events in the coming weeks, so please check back with the blog for the latest.